Turning 30

Recently (this week), I’ve been thinking A LOT about my age. Yeah, I am leaving the lovely twenties and going for a new whole decade… the mighty 30’s. It is actually not that hard to know that I am entering a new era in my life, is the fact that I started to feel like I haven’t done anything really memorable, like writing a book, creating my own future-billion-dollar-worth start-up, inventing the time machine or even reaching the ultimate goal: world peace. So, I talked to my friends and family about how I felt and they all said “are you crazy?” and I think they are right, but sometimes you just need a third party to give you a reality-slap on the face and bring you back to Earth.

I mean, sure I haven’t written a book, but I wrote a paper on consumer analysis (all by my self) during my Master’s Degree studies. And it happens that this paper is going to be published in an academic journal. I also haven’t created my own multi-billion dollar company, but I do have many ideas and just because I am turning 30 doesn’t mean is too late for that. And forget about the time machine or world peace!

Instead of keeping those depressive thoughts, I started a mental list on some of my achievements, and men I do have many of them!

1. I graduated from BS Chemical Engineering

2. I worked at a very -VERY- demanding company where the environment is more men-friendly than anything else

3. I changed my career path

4. I got married to a man who I love more than anything and that is more than I ever asked for (or deserve)

5. I finished my Master’s Degree and paid tuition all by myself (and a little help from my husband too)

6. I managed to travel and know the world

7. I lead the research to write a paper for an academic journal

8. And I successfully presented that research paper at a World Congress

And the list goes on…

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to brag about anything. Is just that there are moments in life where sadness, melancholy and loneliness seem to be skin-deep and you simply cannot avoid to question everything in your life. For me, is more common than you may think… So maybe there’s no easy way to go on walking around with a smile in your face, but don’t worry, you are not alone.

Just like that, my twenties are gone. But after all this wondering around and getting semi-depressed and quietly thoughtful and talking about my feelings, I finally get to know that I couldn’t be better if I’ve taken a different path in my decisions. Maybe one of these days I’ll finally get the knowledge of how to create the time machine or contribute -big time- to world peace, but for the moment I am just me… and I am happy with that.


  1. Benny · September 24, 2014

    Amiga, hay que estar agradecidas por la salud que tenemos, la familia, el amor, la paz y la prosperidad que aunque no lo creas es mas valiosos que nada ! Agradecer que tienes un techo, que eres independiente y que puedes hacer y pensar por ti misma. Felicidades por tus primeros 30 que te han sentado muy bien y te hacen única. Que cumplas muchos mas junto a tu amor Toto 🙂 y cotufa también.

    un abrazo 🙂
    Pd. No se si mis replys deban ser en ingles jajajaja


    • jvillasilva · September 26, 2014

      Amiguita!! Lo sé, pero a veces cuesta recordarlo todos los días. Gracias por leerme.

      PD: Los comments pueden ser en el idioma que quieras


  2. Antonio Ruiz · September 20, 2014

    Normally, for the simple nature of human beings, we spend more time thinking in everything that we want but we don’t have, no matter all the way we have done to get where we are, regardless of all the effort we have made, and all the sacrifices performed.

    Happiness is not a paradise where we should arrive; just we have to learn to enjoy the scenery during the road to be happy.

    And one more time, I am so proud of you

    Liked by 1 person

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